Legal Note

    1. The content of the web of BUFETE PEREZ LASIERRA AND ASSOCIATES S.L. takes as an object to report of the activities, products and services of BUFETE PEREZ LASIERRA AND ASSOCIATES S.L., the offer, sale and/or service of the same ones in accordance with his date and terms and to facilitate communication with clients.
    2. BUFETE PEREZ LASIERRA AND ASSOCIATES S.L., hi is a holder of the rights of the intellectual property on the images, texts, designs and animations, or any other content or elements of this website, and therefore, there remains prohibited his reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, as well as the use of the materials and documentation, without the authorisation of the authors.
    3. BUFETE PEREZ LASIERRA AND ASSOCIATES S.L., pushes back any responsability yhat stems from the incorrect use of the products that are offered in his catalog and there is reseved the right to update them when he wants, or to eliminate them in a temporary or deinitive way.
    4. BUFETE PEREZ LASIERRA AND ASSOCIATES S.L., does not assume any responsibility for the information contained on  Web pages of third to that it is possible to gain access for linkage (links) or searchers of the Web pages of BUFETE PEREZ LASIERRA AND ASSOCIATES S.L. The presence of linkage (links) in this Web has merely informative purpose and in no case he supposes suggestion, invitation or recommendation on the same ones.
    5. BUFETE PEREZ LASIERRA AND ASSOCIATES S.L. the guarantees the confidentiality of the information of personal character facilitated by the users and his treatment automated in accordance with the legislation on over-protection of information of personal character.
