
The challenge of the team of professionals which is made up of the Law Office, Pérez Lasierra and Associates is to provide the best service possible to the company. This is a multidisciplinary office which handles business needs in the most professional, rigorous and fastest way possible. In the words of its founder, Manuel Pérez Lasierra, “our basic sector is commercial and tax, although we are starting to give priority to a field which is of great importance, company relations with the Administration. Reality shows us that the majority of companies have some type of problem with the Public Administration, which is why we believe that it is necessary to evaluate this assessment field which traditionally, the offices had put aside. Administration supervises the society more and more as time goes on and as a result, administrative law has become essential. Business people have become used to seeing the role that Administration plays and are therefore less nervous when faced with it. Business people and citizens are aware that they have some objective laws which they must abide by, that we are in a law State and that the legal road must be adopted when dealing with administrative actions. In short, it is an indication that the legal culture of our society has notably increased in recent years. To complete an integral assessment of a company, it is necessary to have a team formed by specialists in different matters but with a field of knowledge which goes beyond the particular specialisation. “If we want to provide our clients with a good service, we need the collaboration of specialised professional experts. The office must expand, not so much as an objective but due to market demand, but sustained.” It is necessary to clarify how to be an assessment tea. “I do not really believe in legal specialities because the world of law is like a big ship where all areas or aspects are interconnected. Nowadays, it is very difficult to be a company assessment lawyer without having any knowledge, even if minimal, of fields which are very different such as tax, labour, commercial, civil and even criminal law. Normally, there are a series of questions behind any problematic business person which arise from and are related to other aspects of the legal field. Offices have to be multidisciplinary and have collaborators who work as a team.”